Tnm Super League Fans

Bankers tame Hammers!

Bankers tame Hammers!

Silver Strikers returned home in grand style by repeating their highest goal margin (5) topping it off with a clean sheet against Mzuzu City Hammers on Thursday afternoon at Silver Stadium in Lilongwe.

Goals from McDonald Lameck, Stanie Davie, Chinsisi Maonga and Paul Kansungwi were what Silver Strikers needed to extend its tally on top of the 2024 TNM Super Leager to 33 points.

The Bankers were returning from a two all draw last Sunday against Kamuzu Barracks at Civo Stadium. This was a return to Silver Stadium after 54 days on the road.

On Thursday, it only took five minutes for McDonald Lameck to register his first goal for the Central Bankers when his free kick went straight to the back of the net.

Chinsisi Maonga doubled the lead 14 minutes later as he was the last person at the end of a move that was started by defender Nickson Mwase who spotted Stanie Davie’s run which saw Davie pass to Lameck and then Maonga. The forward did not make a mistake but to finish off a quick move that left the guests helpless.

If that was not enough, Stanie Davie registered his name on the scoresheet after receiving a good ball from Lameck just after regaining possession from midfield.

At half time, Paul Kansungwi and Innocent Mtonga joined the fray in place of Tatenda M’balaka and Chinsisi Maonga. Kansungwi started his game well as his fist touch saw him scoring when he was spotted by Zebron Kalika in the eighteen yard box.

Stanie Davie completed his brace in the 69th minute when his captain Chikondi Kamanga started a move from midfield when he exchanged quick passes with Idana then picked up a run by McDonald Lameck who quickly crossed the ball inside to let Davie put the ball at the back of the net.

The guests tried tooth and nail to come back into the game but the Bankers were not ready to let go of a clean slate on the day.

Head Coach Peter Mponda praised his team saying they managed to keep possession and score goals which is very good performance.

“We played a good game this afternoon as the boys took what we have always wanted which is to keep possession and knock the ball around. On top of a good possession football we have scored five goals and that’s a very huge credit to them”, said Mponda.

Next, the Central Bankers will face FOMO FC on Sunday at Silver Stadium.

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