Tnm Super League Fans

Fam, Sulom move in to curb violence

Fam, Sulom move in to curb violence

Football Association of Malawi (Fam) and Super League of Malawi (Sulom) have intensified efforts to eradicate acts of violence and hooliganism at matches.

The two bodies hosted a joint interface with supporters’ representatives from all the 16 Super League teams at Bingu National Stadium in Lilongwe Sunday.

According to the Fam website, this was the third meeting aimed at strengthening collaboration between football authorities and fans.

“Among other things, [people at] the meeting discussed how to fight pockets of violence and hooliganism, [how to stop the] use of charms but also how to market clubs,” the website indicates.

Fam, in conjunction with Sulom, organised a similar workshop for supporters before the start of the season in April this year.

One of the supporters, Noel ‘Ayesu’ Nthala, said the meeting was an eye opener.

“We, as supporters, need to meet regularly so that we are on the same page. The meeting was very crucial and I believe it will help us to eradicate violence and hooliganism. We will also impart knowledge in fellow supporters,” Nthala, who is one of the Silver Strikers influential supporters, said.

At the meeting, supporters promised to play a key role in curbing violence and hooliganism at matches.

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