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Promise Kamwendo’s ‘manager’ disapproved Nomads deal

Promise Kamwendo’s ‘manager’ disapproved Nomads deal

Football Association of Malawi (Fam) has referred the ongoing transfer dispute involving striker Promise Kamwendo to its Players Status Committee for a resolution.

This decision follows Fam’s request to the Super League of Malawi to halt Kamwendo’s transfer to Mighty Mukuru Wanderers from Premier Bet Dedza Dynamos, after a complaint from FCB Nyasa Big Bullets.

Bullets filed a complaint with Fam, alleging that Wanderers had hijacked the forward, claiming that Kamwendo had already agreed to personal terms with the People’s Team.

Alfred Gunda

Fam General Secretary Alfred Gunda said the matter has been referred to the body’s Player Status Committee for further direction, after all interested parties had made their submissions.

Meanwhile, Dedza Dynamos Chief Executive Officer Frella Kulemelo has said they had cooperated with all three interested teams, including Silver Strikers, who were also pursuing Kamwendo’s signature.

“We valued the player at K15 million and notified all the clubs individually when asked. However, only Bullets came back and negotiated to pay K3 million, as the player was in the last six months of his contract.

“Bullets paid through our team’s account and provided proof of payment. We were then surprised to receive two counter-offers within 10 minutes from Silver and Wanderers.

“Silver bid K3.5 million while Wanderers offered K4 million. We turned them down as we had already accepted Bullets’ offer, as they were the first to negotiate,” Kulemelo said.

He added that Dynamos have provided Fam with all relevant documentation to support their position.

Kamwendo’s manager, Hastings Chilunga, insisted that he did not consent to the player’s move to Wanderers as he had an ongoing contract with Dynamos.

“I was initially unaware of any interest from the top three clubs for the player. I only learned about it when Kamwendo asked me to follow up, which I did, and all the teams confirmed their interest.

“But Bullets acted quickly and I was surprised to see the player changing his mind while in Blantyre. This is why I refused to sign as a witness during his unveiling at Wanderers. It was his family members who signed,” Chilunga, who claimed to have brokered Kamwendo’s move from Extreme to Dedza Dynamos, said.

However, Wanderers have denied any wrongdoing, insisting that they followed the proper transfer procedures after discussions with Dynamos.

“We wish to clarify that Mr Chilunga, the purported manager of the player, did not have a management agreement or contract with the player.

“Furthermore, Mr Chilunga is not a registered intermediary or agent authorised to represent football players in Malawi. Therefore, he lacked the authority to bind the player in any transfer transactions without the player’s express consent and knowledge,” Wanderers’ submission to Fam reads.

It adds that the club lodged a transfer request in the Mpira Connect and Transfer Matching System and anticipated Dedza FC would authorise the transfer, given their alleged prior engagement and payment of the transfer fee and signing-on fee.

“However, they informed us they were receiving threats from FA officials and became hesitant to complete the transfer, despite receiving the agreed transfer fees,” the submission reads.

Last week, Kamwendo revealed that he chose Wanderers after considering his options.

“That is where my heart is,” he wrote on his Facebook page.

Information that we have gathered indicates that both Wanderers and Bullets offered a similar signing fee of K6 million, with a K600,000 salary.

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